High School Music Department Recognition Program Concert
February 24, 2017
The Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame is proud to announce the recipients of their first High School Music Department Recognition Program. Seven Long Island High School music programs will be honored at a ceremony at:
Northport High School
7:30pm on Monday, April 3, 2017
The schools receiving this prestigious recognition include:
Freeport High School
Great Neck North High School
Herricks High School
Huntington High School
Long Island High School of the Arts
Northport High School
Uniondale High School
Northport High School is located at 154 Laurel Hill Road, Northport, NY.
The ceremony on April 3 is open to the public without charge.
For more information about this program and the awards ceremony concert, please view the press release below:
2016-2017 High School Recognition Program Press Release
Herricks High School Chamber Orchestra
Joseph Rutkowski, Instrumental Music Director at Great Neck North High School, 2015 LIMHoF Educator of Note